Water Resources
Our drainage and flood control experts aim to protect people, property, and the environment. These experts are responsible for the management, design, quality control, and technical analysis of hydrology, hydraulics, sediment transport, and environmental and water-quality permitting. They are familiar with the latest technology applications and modeling programs for water resource engineering, including FLO-2D, HEC-HMS, HEC-RAS, HEC-1, HEC-2, HEC-6T, TR-20, SWMM, StormCAD, GIS applications, and pipe network analysis programs. Our drainage and flood control services include:
- Floodplain Delineation and FEMA Studies
- Area Drainage Master Studies and Plans
- Section 404 and Water Quality Permitting
- Regional Flood Control Planning and Design Drainage Studies and Improvements
- Storm Drain Studies and Design
- Detention and Retention Basins
- Energy Dissipating Structures
- Dams and Levees
- Scour Evaluation Sediment Transport
- Bridge and Culvert Hydraulics and Design
- Airport Drainage

Bullard Wash Channel Improvement
Goodyear, AZ

Elliot Basins, Storm Drain and Outfall Channel
Mesa, AZ

Hermosa Vista & Hawes Road Storm Drain and Basin
Mesa, AZ

Loop 303 Outfall Channel
Goodyear, AZ

Phoenix Metro ADMS Project Update
Phoenix, AZ

North Santa Cruz Wash Regional Flood Control
Maricopa, AZ

Paradise Ridge
Phoenix, AZ

Pinnacle Peak Road Basin & Channel
Peoria, AZ

Powerline Channel
Apache Junction, AZ

Sweetwater Avenue Storm Drain Pre-Design Study & Final Design
Peoria, AZ

City Center
Maricopa, AZ

White Tanks FRS No. 4 Rehabilitation
Buckeye, AZ