Phoenix Metro ADMS Project Update

WOODPATEL identified and characterized existing drainage, flooding sources, and flooding hazards within the Metro Phoenix study area. The scope includes three primary work efforts: data collection, development of a comprehensive, detailed, multi-frequency, urban FLO-2D SWMM model, and a flood hazard assessment. Primary tasks include compiling the data collection results with the 2D model output to identify, quantify and qualitatively describe significant drainage and flooding issues. Other supporting duties include supplemental field surveys, public outreach, and stakeholder coordination. The accuracy of the potential for flooding is critical to the update of the study for the cities of Phoenix, Tempe, and Scottsdale to provide awareness of flood hazards and risks for flooding.


Phoenix, AZ


Flood Control District of Maricopa and City of Phoenix

Project Highlights

2-, 10-, 25-, 50- and 100-Year Storm Prevention

Identified Significant Drainage and Flooding Isuues