White Tanks FRS No. 4 Rehabilitation

WOODPATEL performed detailed hydrology in support of the rehabilitation design of White Tanks FRS No. 4. Storms evaluated included: 100-year, 24-hour; PSH; SDH; and site-specific Probable Maximum Flood for multiple durations and storm distributions. The hydrologic analysis also evaluated current, and MAG future land uses for the contributing watershed. Civil design and construction document development included: survey, flood pool grading, low-flow and outlet channels, principal spillway, auxiliary spillway, special provisions, cost estimates, design report documentation, and agency coordination. The refined inflow design floods enabled the team to reduce the proposed dam height by 3.5 feet, resulting in multi-million-dollar cost savings. WOODPATEL also defined the design concept for the principal and auxiliary spillway outlet configuration and evaluated the hydraulic performance of the reservoir utilizing the unsteady state capabilities of HEC-RAS.


Buckeye, AZ


Flood Control District of Maricopa and NRCS

Project Highlights

2018 APWA Public Works Project of the Year – Structures – $5-25 Million | APWA

2018 Engineering Excellence Award | ACEC

2018 Marvin M. Black Partnering Excellence Award | Associated General Contractors (AGC) National Chapter

Build Arizona Award | Arizona Chapter Associated General Contractors of American

Hydrologic Models for Multiple Design Storms to Define the Inflow Design Floods

Refined Designed Led to a Multi-Million Dollar Cost Savings