5th Street Waterline Replacement
Through an On-call contract, WOODPATEL provided professional engineering services to design approximately 3,000 linear feet of 12-inch DIP waterline in downtown Tempe. The project corridor extended along 5th Street from Farmer Avenue to College Avenue and included the design of a new waterline on portions of Mill, College, and Maple Avenues. The densely urbanized area of downtown Tempe requires extensive coordination with utility owners with underground facilities in the right-of-way. This coordination provided an alignment that avoided utility relocations for communication duct banks, water, sanitary sewer, large-diameter storm drain, and a sensitive Nitrogen Gas line and chiller lines for Tempe City complex, court, and transportation facilities. A vital transportation corridor, 5th Street provides access to significant City facilities and commercial and residential complexes. In addition, the waterline design addressed maintenance of traffic during construction, and the WOODPATEL design team worked with the contractor and the City to provide solutions to maintain operations at the Tempe Transit Center and access to all City facilities during construction.
Tempe, AZOwner
City of TempeProject Highlights
12-Inch DIP Waterline3,000 Linear Feet of New Waterline for Downtown Tempe
Avoided Utility Relocations
Maintained Traffic Access During Construction