Skysong Elements by Westin

WOODPATEL provided professional engineering services for this 5-story, 135-unit hotel. Located at the northeast corner of Scottsdale Road and Enterprise Drive, this project required WOODPATEL to provide civil engineering services based on the client-furnished preliminary site plan, including but not limited to:

  • Design review board submittal
  • Drainage report
  • Water basis of design report
  • Sanitary sewer basis of design report
  • On-site grading and drainage plan
  • Storm drain plan
  • Private water and sanitary sewer plan
  • Stormwater pollution prevention plan
  • Parcel descriptions
  • Utility submittals
  • Horizontal control plan
  • Post-design services
We also supported the client’s bidding effort for the civil engineering portion of the work and undertook special coordination and optional services, including LEED assistance and topographic survey.


Scottsdale, AZ



Project Highlights


135-Unit Hotel