Rawhide at Wild Horse Pass
WOODPATEL prepared the civil grading and drainage plan, water and wastewater, storm drain systems, and dry utility coordination for the Rawhide Development at Wild Horse Pass. Further coordination included a mass grading, drainage plan, and drainage report for a 15-acre area. WOODPATEL also prepared a transportation plan for the 47-acre Rawhide Western theme park at the Wild Horse Pass development south of Phoenix, located in the Gila River Indian Community. The program included a traffic impact assessment and circulation plan and proposed a roadway network to accommodate new development and traffic generated by the existing Casino. In addition to design, WOODPATEL performed construction inspection services.
Gila River Indian Community, AZOwner
Gila River Indian CommunityProject Highlights
Construction Inspection15 Acre Mass Grading and Drainage Plan
47 Acre Western Theme Park