Queen Creek Area Drainage Master Study
The Queen Creek Area Drainage Master Study, encompassing over 177 square miles of watershed, was prepared by WOODPATEL as part of a regional storm drainage management plan. Hydrologic analysis was performed for the 2-, 5-, 10-, 25-, 50-, and 100-year frequency storms for the study area. The Central Arizona Project acts as a barrier to any upstream runoff thereby creating an upper drainage boundary. The master plan area of 70 square miles is located generally on an alluvial plain, consisting of farm lands, natural desert, and major developments such as Williams Air Force Base and General Motors Proving Grounds. The master plan area is under the jurisdiction of the City of Mesa, Town of Gilbert, Town of Queen Creek, and Unincorporated Maricopa County.
The study identified areas with flooding concerns and evaluated several flood control mitigation alternatives. Extensive work on concepts, cost analysis, and value engineering was performed which resulted in a series of workable drainage plan options. For two major watercourses of Queen Creek and Sanoqui Wash, floodplain delineations were performed in accordance with FEMA guidelines.
The study identified areas with flooding concerns and evaluated several flood control mitigation alternatives. Extensive work on concepts, cost analysis, and value engineering was performed which resulted in a series of workable drainage plan options. For two major watercourses of Queen Creek and Sanoqui Wash, floodplain delineations were performed in accordance with FEMA guidelines.
Maricopa County, AZOwner
Flood Control District of MaricopaProject Highlights
177 square miles of watershed2-, 5-, 10-, 25-, 50- and 100-year storm prevention