Park Place

Taking an active role during the entitlement stage, WOODPATEL assisted the developer with a zoning map amendment to develop two parcels totaling 4.5 acres along Apache Boulevard and Terrace Road. We are actively engaged with the City of Tempe and Valley Metro as the property sits adjacent to the Valley Metro Light Rail and the new Tempe Modern Streetcar line. This proposed mixed-use development includes two five-story buildings totaling 572,000 square feet, with 9,000 square feet of commercial on the ground floor. Additionally, the project will offer 285 dwelling units connected by a pedestrian bridge on the fourth floor planned to run over Terrace Road. All vehicle parking is proposed within garages beneath each building, offering 499 vehicular spaces. While the code calls for 318 bicycle spaces, Park Place far exceeds that number, providing space for 661 bicycles. This increase should fit well with the project’s location in Tempe’s heart and proximity to Arizona State University.


Tempe, AZ


Park 7 Group

Project Highlights

4.5 Acres

Two 5-Story Buildings

572,000 Square Feet